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Hardees’ Fried Balogna Biscuit Sandwich

Hardees’ Fried Balogna Biscuit Sandwich


Free Sandwiches.

Ok great, now that I have your attention…

A rep from Hardees contacted me the other day to let me know about their new Oscar Mayer Fried Bologna Biscuit Sandwich.  This was disappointing because there’s not a Hardees within 100 miles of me.  It’s also disappointing because there’s just nothing like fried bologna.  Every time I visit my Uncle in D.C., the obvious breakfast choice is fried bologna sandwiches.

Hardees’ Fried Bologna Biscuit sandwich is sort of a throwback breakfast comfort food.  You just don’t see many people eating fried bologna anymore.  It should be interesting to see how this sandwich does.  I offer my full support.  The Oscar Mayer Fried Bologna Biscuit will be sold at participating Hardees restaurants for $1.89 and is also available in a small combo for $3.59 including Hash Rounds or Country Potatoes and a beverage.


Sooooo, instead of declining the offer for some free sandwiches, I decided to just give them away to you guys.  The first five people that comment on this post will receive a complimentary sandwich in the mail.  That’s right, not frozen or anything.  Just sitting in an envelope, probably not even in a sealed bag.  I’m sure the heat of the mail truck will keep it at the appropriate temperature for consumption.

That’s a joke, of course.  The first five readers to comment on this post will recieve a coupon for a free Oscar Mayer Fried Bologn Biscuit sandwich.  It’s my way of saying thanks, and bribing you to continue visiting Epic Portions.  Enjoy!


I need the following people to e-mail their physical addresses to, or just use the “Contact Us” tab located on the top of this page, so I can have Hardees send out their gift cards.

  • Ryan from Grubgrade
  • Cress
  • Mykelogan
  • Justin
  • Nancy Gaertner

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