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Blackberry Blog.. Yeeeeeeah

Blackberry Blog.. Yeeeeeeah


So I am currently blogging from my Blackberry. The only reason for this is because I just found out that it is possible.

First order of business, I had to put my cat to sleep yesterday because of blood clots and other problems. He will be greatly missed, and I just wouldn’t feel right about not saying something about him on here. He was the best cat you will ever come across.

Second, I’m going to start my restaurant tour soon. I should be going out someplace interesting tomorrow, and am either going to Zingerman’s Road House in Ann Arbor or Roast in Detroit in the next week or so. Just need to decide which one I want to hit first.

Third, I like the direction this blog is heading.. But I would appreciate some feedback from the people who visit. My stats have shown that I get about 30-60 unique visits daily, and I would like to hear what you think! I would also like to have your recipes and whatever else you on this blog.

I am close to moving this blog to its own server and completely re-doing the design, and would like to feature a number of people’s recipes/opinions/ideas. If you have a family recipe, favorite restaurant, idea, or anything.. Let me know. Even if you take pictures of food you eat, restaurants you visit, I will put you up here.

Bottom line, I want this blog to contain things you can enjoy in the future, and things you have enjoyed in the past. I haven’t begun advertising yet, so most of the people who are visiting are people who know me personally. Let me know if you have something to share.

Oh, and last thing.. Burnetts sweet tea vodka is incredible.

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