Port of Call (Love the cook in the background smoking...)
It’s a Friday night and cocktails come to mind! Port of Call specializes in a particular drink called the “Monsoon.” This delicious concoction will cause a 200 lb man on an empty stomach to begin to see New Orleans as it really is: fantastic!

Part of the drink list. I'm ready to walk the plank alright...
Good god…and yes, I got a To-Go Cup. Walking around with one of these is a badge of honor among all the ‘hand grenades’ and stupid ‘yard’ beers that Nebraskan college student/tourists always seem to be carrying around.

Swept away by the Monsooooooon!
You’ll also notice the Turtle – the solid red, Tequila based drink that you see in the background. Folks, take note – that’s a SMALL that you see.

Surprised this picture isn't blurry...
Well, that’s about it from Port O’ Call in NOLA. I’m moving on to the other places now. I’m a bit wobbly and there’s 3 of everything, but damn I feel good in the big easy!
Port of Call 838 Esplanade Ave New Orleans, LA 70116 (504) 523-0120 .~Toddo (Moorsfood Senior Cajun Restaurant Testin’ Guinea Pig)