Oh Cheesecake Factory. Why don’t you build a resturaunt that is close to me? I’ve heard you’re good, but I’ve never had a chance to verify this. For the longest time, I thought you only served Cheesecake. I now realize that you serve normal, allegedly delicious meals. Enter promotion….
Do you like Cheesecake Factory? I want to hear about it. What can I say? I’m a glutton for punishment. Comment on this post with your opinion of the restaurant, favorite dish, ect., and you will have a chance at a free dinner from good ol’ John. That’s right, all you have to do is tell me “Hey John, you’re an idiot. I love their steak. It’s made from cows. Moo”, and you’ll have a chance to win a $25 gift certificate(please be more creative than that). The winning comment will be the one that makes me even more angry that I don’t have a location close to me. Extra points will be given for those who insult me for never eating here. So basically, piss me off the most and you get a free dinner. Sound easy enough? This contest will run until Monday, the 31st, so get your comments in.

And if you’re feeling really lucky, make your way over to their website, or add them on facebook for a chance at winning the reunion of a lifetime, a free trip to Las Vegas for you and 9 of your closest friends. Just think of the trouble you can cause with that opportunity!