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Tart Yogurt gone Krazy! Mr. Yogato – Washington, D.C.

Tart Yogurt gone Krazy! Mr. Yogato – Washington, D.C.

Food Reviews, Travels

The tart yogurt craze seems to be sweeping the nation.  One particularly neat spot is Mr. Yogato, a novel frozen yogurt place in D.C. and Baltimore (although there may be more!).  This is a pretty interesting idea – give customers a couple of different flavors of yogurt, and then bring out their inner child by giving them the option of topping it with 50 different types of candies, fruits, cereals, chocolates, or anything else your little, sugar-crazed hearts desire!


Willy Wonka has nothing on this

Some of the rules in this place can help you get nearly free FroYo, or actually add to the cost (don’t get the trivia questions wrong!).  Anyone remember the Poison Cup Speech?  Tried to build up confidence while waiting in line…

Gummi bears, mochi, and Mandarin orange slices on this little number

Gummi bears, mochi, and Mandarin orange slices on this little number. Also note the Nintendo Classic in the background. Nothin quite like eating FroYo and playing Duck Hunt. Nothing at all. Gold stars to whoever can ID games in this blurry photo.

Things can get a little weird though…

Free toppings include all manners of sprinkles and classic ice cream toppings.  Notables also include bacon bits and balsamic vinegar.  Yeah.  Vinegar and ice cream.  Different strokes, right?

Free toppings include all manners of sprinkles and classic ice cream toppings. Notables also include bacon bits and balsamic vinegar. Yeah. Vinegar and ice cream. Different strokes, right?

Variety is the spice of life, and with this kind of yogurt, the world is your sugar-filled oyster!


Mr Yogato
1515 17th Street NW
Washington, DC 20036

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