So according to our all-knowing and extremely handsome reader Elhanan, apparently there are actually a couple of companies that make this type of coffee maker. Remember – every day is an opportunity to learn something, kids.

I am beautiful and functional. I will come to your business, make coffee, and try not to kill all humans.
The beautiful baby above is the Eagle model from Bezzera – The looker below can also find be purchased brand new from Elektra at – In fact, they have several models depending on whether you want one that is chromed out, gold, old-timey gold, or old-timey chrome. Coffee in STYLE baby:

We are multiplying quickly to bring you delicious coffee. Check out those hot front and back views...
Now, the ‘Merikan in me has gotta wonder what these Italian companies are doing putting images of my National Hero/Bird on their coffee makers. Who do they think they are? It doesn’t make sense anyway – like their crazy, human brain eating, robot coffee makers could possibly escape the wrath of Majestic Bald Eagle Talons. Pssshtt! As if!