After a recent holiday party, we have WAY too much egg nog left over. And way too much cheap brandy. I mean, seriously. What were we thinking. What do I do with a handle of brandy? And a gallon of eggnog.
The answer came to me during my nightly stare into the refrigerator. Egg….Nog….Ice…Cream! I mean, I don’t even have to make the nog…just make the nog really, really cold. The problem is most recipes for eggnog ice cream assume you don’t already have a vat of nog in your fridge.

One of the 3 half gallon egg nog containers in the fridge. Why do I always get so overzealous with the nog during this time of year?
I was perplexed until I stumbled upon Natalie’s Killer Egg Nog Ice Cream Recipe, which is blatantly plagiarized below:
1 qt Eggnog
1/2 cup Sugar
1/2 tsp Vanilla Bean Paste (or extract)
pinch Salt
Gingersnaps, crumbled (optional)1. In a bowl whisk together the sugar, vanilla bean paste and salt. Pour in enough egg nog to be able to stir everything together until smooth.
2. Pour the eggnog/sugar mixture along with the rest of the eggnog in your electric ice cream maker and freeze according to manufacturers instructions. [In Todd’s case, this meant for like 2 hours using a crappy Krups ice cream maker and then freezing overnight]

Boo - this ice cream maker sucks!
So good. That is all I can say. So good. Ideas for improvement: cover with a layer of brandy. Or Rum. Or Godiva Chocolate Liqueur. And add some ginger snaps.
Oh. Snap.