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Ba-Da Wings Takeout

Ba-Da Wings Takeout

Chapel Hill/Carrboro

Ba-Da Wings, a former Chapel Hill wing place (one of two locations), recently moved in literally around the corner from my house. My thoughts:

1) It is in a seemingly cursed building that has already gone through 3 different restaurants in the 2 years I’ve lived nearby, including an amazing Mexican restaurant, a great Cajun place, and a so-so BBQ joint. Good luck.

2) The hottest wings are the “Bam” variety. It’s not exactly hot. In fact, I’m pretty sure you could pour this into an infants eyes and they wouldn’t notice. I don’t want to drown my wings in hot sauce. I want BaDa Wings to do that for me.

3) After watching my vegetarian roommate turn green and get sick on the sidewalk 15 minutes later, it became clear that the Portabella Wrap had gone past its due date. While I’m well aware that this is a wing place, it should at least be able to serve the growing minority of vegetarians in this town a freaking mushroom sandwhich that never hits pavement.

4) Kudos on the takeout container. Now THIS is how you bring wings home to your family/dogs/rowdy hungry friends:


Ba-Da Wings
302 B East Main Street
Carrboro, NC

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