Remember Baconsmores?
Yeah, I thought so. Well, turns out, not everyone eats bacon. (Seriously!) So, I had to make something for the vegetarians in my group in enjoy, and, well, I love a theme. Smorecakes it was! These were tiny, delicious little graham-cracker cupcakes topped with homemade marshmallow and a gob of chocolate frosting plopped on top. Not the star of the evening, sure, but a tasty treat!

1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
3 egg yolks
1 tspn vanilla
2 cups graham cracker crumbs
2 tspm baking powder
3/4 tspn salt
1 cup heavy cream
3 egg whites (room temp)
First, you need to turn your graham crackers into graham crumbs. My preferred method is to place the crackers in a freezer bag, zip it up, and beat the living daylights out of them with a rolling pin. If that’s not your style, though, I hear that a minichopper or a food processor would also work.
Then: In a large bowl, cream together your butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg yolks and the vanilla. In a separate prep bowl, combine the graham crumbs, baking powder and salt. Slowly beat the dry mix into the eggysugar mix. In a different bowl, beat your room temperature egg whites into stiff peaks. Once they are peaky, fold them evenly into the other mixture, and pour into prepared (greased, lined, whatever your fancy) cupcake tins. Bake 20 to 30 min at 375F.
Cool on a wire rack until you can get them out of the pan, then continue to cool until they will not melt your marshmallow too much when you dob it on top, but not so cool that they are cold. These are really, really yummy still slightly warm.
For the topping: make marshmallow.
Dob liberal and delicious amounts of marshmallow on top of each cupcake. Top with another dollop of chocolate frosting:
2 3/4 cup powder sugar
6 tblspn unsweetened cocoa
6 tblspn butter
5 tblspn tinned evaporate milk
1 tspn vanilla
Sift together cocoa and sugar. In a separate bowl, cream butter until smooth. Beat in sugarcocoa and evaporated milk; add vanilla and beat until fluffy.
Voila – bacon-free (and, you know, sometimes that’s OK,) and delicious!