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Burger King Ribs (?????)

Burger King Ribs (?????)

Fast Food, Food Reviews

So apparently Burger King is rolling out their ribs in major markets(Dallas, Chicago, ect..) this week and it made me realize that I haven’t called anything stupid in a while.  In fact, after running a quick search I found that it’s been since April 5th, when I called Subway’s breakfast completely stupid, that I called anything stupid.  Well folks, Burger King decided it had been too long since John got a little perturbed about a fast food menu item and decided to do this.  Great work Burger King.  Great work.

Burger King Ribs

jasonlam, flicker

BK Ribs come in packs of three, six and eight, with the six pack costing you $7.99.  If you decide that’s not enough of a bargain you can go with a combo meal, which adds on the usual fries and drink, for $8.99.

What I’m trying to figure out is why is Burger King pumping their $1 menu items and $5 meal deals and then rolling out some ribs for 8 bucks?  Also, you fast food restaurants already ruined the burger, French fries, burritos, apple pies, and countless other food items.  Can’t you leave ribs alone?  They don’t belong on fast food menus.  They belong in restaurants where there are plates and napkins.

Visit Burger King’s website to see one of the more annoying things ever advertised by a fast food company..

Four tender pork ribs with a smoky BBQ sauce. So you get all the meaty taste of BBQ ribs without the hassle, smoky clothes and runny eyes of a real BBQ.

No hassle, smoky clothes, or runny eyes of a real BBQ?  Of a REAL BBQ???? Let me get this straight.   You’re taking BBQ ribs, something that is traditionally messy(in a good way) to eat, and advertising it as a clean, anti-BBQ version? Like, “come get ribs, but they’re ribs that aren’t messy, smoky, and don’t have any flavor so your eyes won’t run”. Seriously Burger King?  I feel like punching you right now.

Last thing, Has anyone ever had broiled ribs before?  I sure haven’t.

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