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Giant Burrito – BTB – Ann Arbor, MI

Giant Burrito – BTB – Ann Arbor, MI

Ann Arbor, Fat Foods, Food Reviews

Blacked out Sarah and I were up to our usual shenanigans last night and decided normal sized food just wouldn’t cut it.  Plus, food options are a bit limited at 2:30 AM.  We came to the conclusion that BTB would be the only acceptable place to fulfill our craving for super sized, or just plain not normal sized food craving.  When I say our, I really mean just me.  She got vegetarian nachos and probably felt like she was going to throw up after eating them.  Don’t ask.

I previously wrote about  Big Ten Burrito a long time ago.  I should point out that legally I have to call it BTB now due to legal ramifications.  The giant burrito, which goes for an incredibly reasonable price of $9.50, lives up to its name.  The thing is huge.  It’s like the Manute Bol of burritos.  What’s more impressive is that it’s built with structural integrity.  Usually you can eat the whole thing without it falling apart, which earns that “more impressive” tag because it’s built with multiple tortillas.  This one in particular was built with much care, but unfortunately I did not eat it with that same care.  My apologies to the burrito engineer, but G and Ts will do that to you.

Check this monster out..  My apologies for the Brett Favre dick pic style shot.  Seriously, that picture is phallic.

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