…haven’t heard that song in forever, have you? Neither had I. However, while rapidly consuming my first FULL ENGLISH BREAKFAST this last weekend in the quaint English Countryside, Drowning Pool’s turn-of-the-millennium one hit wonder crept into the outskirts of my mindbrain. Why you ask?
Beaten why for (why for)
Can’t take much more
Here we go!

In retrospect: not enough carbs. Needs less black pudding and more mushrooms and tomatoes. Never thought I’d say that.
Let the bodies hit the flooooor;
Push me again;
This is the end;
Three hours later. Sun shining. Children playing. Birds Tweeting.
…Stomach rumbling.
One – Something’s got to give;
Two – Something’s got to give;
Three – Something’s got to give;
Let the bodies hit the floor!
Ugh. Gastrointestinal signals have told me to lay off black pudding for the next year or 6. I mean, heavens, think of the children!